Taylorsville Childcare and Preschool
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Pre-Kindergarten in Bountiful, Farmington, And Kaysville | Little Orchard Preschool

Our 5-day, Pre-Kindergarten program is great for someone looking for a more involved preschool everyday. We have a Kindergarten curriculum that we are confident will ensure your child is ready for Kindergarten. Included in the program is: our amazing reading program, math program, Montessori style works, circle time, art, science and more! This class will still get to go to our Movement room everyday to work on large motor gross skills. Just like our preschool program this Pre-Kindergarten program is 100% locked down from the public as well.

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Our 5-day Montessori pre-K program is great for families looking for an all-encompassing Montessori preschool experience. Many Bountiful, Farmington and Kaysville preschool programs are two or three days a week and involve lots of play. However, by the time children are ready for pre-K school, we give them more of an immersive experience.

Every parent worries about preparing their child for kindergarten. How can you be sure they are ready for the changes that will come socially, emotionally and mentally? We have been in your shoes and appreciate all those feelings, and we want to see your little one succeed as much as you do.

Little Orchard Preschool provides your child with activities that are specifically geared toward fully preparing your child for kindergarten.

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The Rigors of Kindergarten

The switch from preschool to kindergarten can be jarring for some children. It’s hard when you attend school six to 10 hours a week and suddenly you’re expected to attend 30 hours a week. It causes lots of meltdowns for little ones. Here at Little Orchard Preschool of Bountiful, Farmington and Kaysville, we have found that attending kindergarten is easier for children if they ease into it.

Children who are 2, 3 and 4 years old yearn to be like the “big kids” and get on the big, yellow school bus in the morning. They enjoy playing school at home, doing homework and carrying a backpack. It’s helpful to capitalize on this enthusiasm to get your kids ready for the kindergarten experience.

Kindergarten involves more play than the elementary grades, but kindergarten-age children still get tired easily. Some are used to taking naps, and others find it difficult to behave and mind their manners for such a long time every day.

Our Bountiful, Farmington and Kaysville Montessori preschool helps prepare them for this experience.

Prepping Kids for Montessori Pre-K School in Bountiful, Farmington and Kaysville

One of the most important ways to get a child ready for kindergarten is to have them attend school every day. They get used to getting up every morning at the same time, getting dressed, eating breakfast, brushing their teeth and getting ready to leave. Once this pattern is established in preschool, you won’t have to worry about dragging a sleepy child out of bed every morning.

Students in our pre-K program also learn routines, such as walking quietly in a straight line, waiting their turn and following directions. A child who has not attended a comprehensive Montessori pre-K program may feel lost, scared and frustrated at school. When you send your child to our Montessori pre-K program, you can feel confident that they will be ready when their first day of kindergarten rolls around.

Little Orchard Pre-K School Curriculum

Our pre-K school curriculum will properly prepare your child for kindergarten. We teach:

  • Reading: Zoophonics, letter recognition, sounding out words
  • Math: numbers, sizes, weights, patterns, shapes, groups, sets
  • Art: colors, cutting with scissors, gluing, painting, drawing, design
  • Science: animals, plants, seasons, weather, nutrition, sea life
  • Social Studies: cultures, holidays, transportation, occupations
  • Writing: tracing letters, writing names, learning uppercase and lowercase letters

Our pre-K class also goes to our gym every day to work on gross motor skills, strength, coordination and balance. While both gross motor skills and fine motor skills are important, what is also important is that children move their bodies during the day, not just to get needed exercise, but to refresh their minds for more learning. It is not helpful or healthy for children to sit and listen for six hours a day.

Safety First at Little Orchard

Just like our preschool program, our pre-K program is 100% locked down from the public. Our students’ safety is our No. 1 concern.

To learn more about our amazing pre-K program in Bountiful, Farmington and Kaysville, contact Little Orchard Preschool today.


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